
Grilled cheese 321 calories
2 slices wheat bread 128 calories for 1 slice
1 slice tomato 5 calories
2 slices Kraft Fat Free cheese 60 calories(per 30 clories for 1 slice)

Total calories for this meal 321.

I had no time at all to stop and eat lunch. Later, I ate 4 saltines 50 calories ( per 25 calories for 2) and one teaspoon peanut butter 47 calories (per 94 for one tablespoon) Total calories 97 .

Dinner: I had a 3oz. mock sirloin 230 calories, ½ cup wild rice 440 (220 calories for ¼ cup) and ½ cup frozen green beans 20 calories. Total calories for this meal 690 calories.

Total calories for Today 1108 (1200 calories daily meal plan).

I am at the not hungry stage which is a good thing. However, I make sure that I eat meals. If
I don’t have much time for lunch, I will always eat a snack later or drink it on the go in the form of a low fat smoothie. Those things, they can pack on the calories.

I drink my morning coffee with just a teaspoon of fat-free half and half with a sweetener like Truvia.

*Wild rice is so good with some celery, green onion, green bell pepper and garlic(¼ cup of each.
I saute the veggies for a few minutes in a teaspoon of olive oil. I season it with some Mrs. Dash table blend. Then, I stir a cup of raw wild rice in with the vegetables. I add one cup chicken broth and one cup water. I set the burner on medium low and when the rice is almost done. I stir in some butter and parmesan cheese.

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