Friday Oops!!!

Breakfast was bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich with mayo
Bacon 2 slices ( cut into half to make four) 80
Lettuce 10 calories two leaves shredded
Tomato, small 2 slices 5 calories
Mayo one teaspoonful 29.5 calories (per 57 for 1 Tlb)
Wheat bread 256 (per 128 for 1 slice)
Total calories 380.5

Lunch was slim pickings but from the breakfast this morning, I had six saltine crackers 75 ( per 25 calories for 2 crackers) and two slices Kraft Fat Free cheese 60 calories.(per 30 calories for 1 slice.) Total calories for this meal 169.5

Beck’s Prime is a great place to eat. However, most of the food choices there are calorie loaded.
My choice tonite: Mediterranean salad: lettuce, salad greens, feta cheese, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, Greek olives and two strips of red bell pepper 391 calories with 5oz. Mesquite grilled chicken added 183 and lite Caesar salad dressing 90 calories. Total calories for this meal 664 calories.

Total calories for today 1214 (1200 calorie daily meal plan.)

Most of the time I am under 1200 and if I have an oops moment. It’s not that much over anyway. Tomorrow, I will do better. The salad was fabulous. I devoured every bite.

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